The second generation of the cellular network, 2G, went live in 1993. It introduced many standardised Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) – technologies and was the basis for today’s more sophisticated 3G and 4G networks. 2G was the first network to allow roaming, transfer data and provide digital-voice audio across its network.
According to foreign media reports, South Korea's top telecommunications company KT has developed a high-precision positioning information system called Vision GPS, which is based on lidar sensors and can be used by autonomous vehicles in crowded urban areas.
L3Harris Technologies is on track to begin building the U.S. Air Force’s first Navigation Technology Satellite-3 (NTS-3) after completing the program’s critical design review.
The development of e-commerce has brought great convenience to people.
Current u-blox GNSS platforms — from u-blox M8 and beyond — support the recently completed BeiDou navigation satellite system modernizations, improving the availability of GNSS positioning services.
Given the threats to GNSS from spoofing and jamming, the search is on for alternative sources of PNT data.